Coding Data Pipeline Design Patterns in Python

Ahmed Sayed
8 min readFeb 18, 2024

· What are Coding Design Patterns?
· Benefits of Using Design Patterns
· Core Structural Patterns
· Pipeline-Specific Patterns
Chain of Responsibility
· Behavioral Patterns
Template Method
· When to Choose Which Pattern
· Possible Design Pattern Combination

What are Coding Design Patterns?

Coding design patterns are general, reusable solutions to commonly occurring problems within a given context in software design. They are not finished designs that can be directly transformed into code; instead, they serve as templates or descriptions for how to solve a problem that can be used in many different situations. Design patterns are considered formalized best practices that programmers can use to address frequent issues in software development

Design patterns are categorized into several types, each serving a different purpose:

  1. Creational Patterns: These deal with object creation mechanisms, trying to create objects in a manner suitable to the situation. The basic form of object creation could result in design problems or add complexity to the design. Creational design patterns solve this problem by somehow controlling this object creation.
  2. Structural Patterns: These concern class and object composition. They help ensure that when one part of a system changes, the entire structure of the system does not need to do the same. Moreover, they also assist in making sure that the system is robust.
  3. Behavioral Patterns: These are concerned with algorithms and the assignment of responsibilities between objects. They help make sure that the objects are interacting in a smart way, without being too tightly coupled.

Design patterns are language-independent strategies for solving common design problems. They encapsulate successful design practices and provide a set of proven solutions to design challenges, promoting best practices in software design. They are not mandatory to implement in every project, but using them can make code more flexible, reusable, and maintainable

Benefits of Using Design Patterns

  • Solves Common Problems: Design patterns are proven solutions to common problems faced in software design. They have been evolved and refined over many years of experience and collective knowledge.
  • Improves Code Reusability: By using design patterns, developers can follow a standard approach to solve a problem. This standardization makes the code more reusable and easier to understand for new developers.
  • Facilitates Communication: Design patterns provide a common vocabulary for developers. When a developer says they are using a Singleton or Observer pattern, others can quickly understand the design choice.
  • Increases Efficiency: Applying design patterns can help to prevent issues that may cause major problems, and it also helps in solving complex design issues more efficiently.
  • Enhances Flexibility and Scalability: Many design patterns, such as the Strategy or State patterns, allow software to be more flexible in terms of behavior and more scalable with minimal changes to the system.

Here’s a breakdown of various design patterns exceptionally well-suited for crafting Python data pipelines, along with explanations and when you might consider using them:

Core Structural Patterns


Simplifies the interface to a complex subsystem, like interacting with multiple data sources, transformations, and targets. It makes your data pipeline easier to use and maintain.

Problem: Your pipeline interacts with a database, an external API, and a file system. The complexity of these interactions makes your core pipeline logic intricate.

Solution: The Facade pattern provides a unified interface to this subsystem.

class DataPipelineFacade:
def __init__(self, db_client, api_client, file_system):
self.db_client = db_client
self.api_client = api_client
self.file_system = file_system

def extract_transform_load(self, source_type, source_config, transformations):
if source_type == 'database':
data = self.db_client.extract_data(**source_config)
elif source_type == 'api':
data = self.api_client.get_data(**source_config)
elif source_type == 'file':
data = self.file_system.load_csv(**source_config)
raise ValueError("Invalid source type")

transformed_data = self.apply_transformations(data, transformations)

def apply_transformations(self, data, transformations):
# ... Logic to apply transformations
return transformed_data

Impact and Benefits:

  • Enhanced Usability: Makes your pipeline easier to use by hiding internal complexities.
  • Improved Maintainability: Modifications to subsystems are isolated behind the facade.


Helps incompatible components work together. Use this when integrating existing code, legacy systems, or libraries having different interfaces in your pipeline.

Problem: Incompatible components within your pipeline make integration difficult (e.g., file formats, database systems, legacy code).

Solution: The Adapter pattern acts as a translator, allowing incompatible components to work together.

class XMLAdapter:
def __init__(self, xml_data):
self.xml_data = xml_data
# Use library like xmltodict to parse if needed

def get_data(self):
# Adapt XML structure to the format your pipeline expects
return adapted_data

Impact and Benefits

  • Increased Reusability: Existing components become usable in new contexts without substantial changes.
  • Reduced Refactoring: You can adapt new or external components without rewriting core pipeline logic.


Dynamically adds new functionality to existing pipeline steps (like processing steps) without modifying their structure. Ideal for adding logging, caching, or validation on the fly.

Problem: You need to extend the behavior of pipeline steps (logging, caching, validation) without drastically modifying their structure.

Solution: The Decorator pattern dynamically adds new functionality to existing objects by wrapping them.

def logging_decorator(func):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
print(f"Calling function: {func.__name__}")
result = func(*args, **kwargs)
print(f"Function completed.")
return result
return inner

def processing_step(data):
# ...processing logic
return processed_data

Impact and Benefits:

  • Flexibility: Behavior enhancements are added or removed easily at runtime.
  • Open/Closed Principle: Extends functionality without modifying the original classes.

Pipeline-Specific Patterns


Provides a standard way to traverse through elements in a pipeline. Useful for processing data streams where you don’t have all the data at once.

Problem: Handling datasets too large for memory, or data streams require processing in chunks.

Solution: The Iterator pattern enables sequential access to elements in a collection without exposing its underlying structure.

class LargeFileIterator:
def __init__(self, filename, chunk_size=1024):
self.file = open(filename)
self.chunk_size = chunk_size

def __iter__(self):
return self

def __next__(self):
data =
if not data:
raise StopIteration
return data

Problem: Handling large datasets that don’t fit readily in memory, or working with data streams.

Solution: Iterators let you process data in chunks.

class CSVFileIterator:
def __init__(self, filename):
self.file = open(filename)
self.reader = csv.reader(self.file)

def __iter__(self):
return self

def __next__(self):
row = next(self.reader)
if not row:
raise StopIteration
return row

# Usage
for row in CSVFileIterator('large_data.csv'):
# Process each row individually

Chain of Responsibility

Links processing steps together. Each step processes the data or passes it to the next step if it cannot handle it. Use it for flexible pipelines where the order of processing steps might need to change dynamically.

Problem: Your pipeline has processing steps that must sometimes occur in a flexible order, depending on input data or other conditions.

Solution: Each step attempts to handle the data. If it cannot, it passes it to the next step in the chain.

class ProcessingStep:
def __init__(self, successor=None):
self.successor = successor

def handle(self, data):
if self.can_handle(data):
return self.process(data)
elif self.successor:
return self.successor.handle(data)
raise Exception("No suitable handler found")

def can_handle(self, data):
# Logic to determine if this step can process data

def process(self, data):
# Actual processing logic

Impact and Benefits

  • Dynamic Processing Order: The chain is built at runtime, not strictly at design time.
  • Decoupling: Processing steps don’t need specific knowledge of each other.


Handles the creation of data pipeline components (like sources, transformations, sinks). Employ this when creating multiple similar pipelines or dynamically choosing components at runtime.

Problem: Creating pipeline components involves complex logic, or component selection needs to happen at runtime.

Solution: The Factory pattern encapsulates object creation, letting you choose components based on configuration or input.

class DataLoaderFactory:
def get_loader(self, loader_type):
if loader_type == "csv":
return CSVLoader()
elif loader_type == "json":
return JSONLoader()
# ... Add more loaders

Impact and Benefits:

  • Centralized Creation: Component creation logic is managed in one place.
  • Flexibility: Different components can be selected without altering core pipeline code.


Encapsulates different algorithms or behaviors (like different data loading strategies) and lets you select one at runtime.

Problem: You need to switch between different data transformation or cleaning algorithms at runtime.

Solution: Encapsulate these algorithms as interchangeable strategies.

class DataCleaningStrategy:
def clean_data(self, data):
raise NotImplementedError()

class BasicCleaning(DataCleaningStrategy):
def clean_data(self, data):
# ... Basic cleaning logic
return data

class AdvancedCleaning(DataCleaningStrategy):
def clean_data(self, data):
# ... Complex cleaning logic
return data

class DataPipeline:
def __init__(self, cleaning_strategy):
self.cleaning_strategy = cleaning_strategy

def process_data(self, data):
cleaned_data = self.cleaning_strategy.clean_data(data)
# ... Further processing

Behavioral Patterns


Defines a way for data pipeline components to notify each other about changes in state. Use for coordinating steps that depend on each other’s output.

Problem: Pipeline components need to react to changes or events occurring in other components (e.g., step completion, errors).

Solution: The Observer pattern lets objects (observers) subscribe to notifications from other objects (subjects).

class Subject:
def __init__(self):
self._observers = []

def attach(self, observer):

def notify(self, event):
for observer in self._observers:

class PipelineStepObserver:
def update(self, event):
# React to the event

Impact and Benefits:

  • Loose Coupling: Components interact without direct knowledge of each other.
  • Coordination: Steps react to events seamlessly, enhancing workflow logic.

Template Method

Defines the skeleton of an algorithm in a base class (e.g., a base data pipeline class) and lets subclasses provide specific implementations for certain steps.

Problem: Pipelines share a general structure, but implementations of specific steps may vary.

Solution: The Template Method defines an algorithm skeleton in a base class, letting subclasses redefine certain steps without affecting the overall flow.

class DataPipelineTemplate:
def run(self):

def extract(self):
raise NotImplementedError()

def transform(self):
raise NotImplementedError()

def load(self):
raise NotImplementedError()

Impact and Benefits:

  • Code Reuse: Enforces structure, encouraging reuse of the common pipeline process.
  • Controlled Customization: Subclasses tailor only specific parts of the algorithm.


  • Encapsulates actions or operations as objects. Makes it easy to queue, log, or undo steps in a pipeline.

Problem: You need to track pipeline actions to enable features like logging, undo/redo, or asynchronous execution.

Solution: The Command pattern turns requests into standalone objects, containing all information necessary to execute the action.

class LoadCommand:
def __init__(self, target, data): = target = data

def execute(self):

Impact and Benefits:

  • Decoupled Operations: Actions become independent of the pipeline code that triggers them.
  • History and Queuing: Commands are logged, queued, or retried.
  • Undo/Redo Support: Commands can keep state to reverse their actions.

When to Choose Which Pattern

The best design pattern depends on your pipeline’s specific needs:

  • Complexity: For complex pipelines, Facade helps simplify interactions. Iterators or Chain of Responsibility increase modularity.
  • Flexibility: Adapters make your pipeline work with varied data sources. Strategies and the Factory pattern support choosing algorithms or creating components dynamically.
  • Extensibility: Decorators enhance steps without major code changes. The Observer pattern syncs up dependent pipeline components.
  • Maintainability: The Template Method provides well-structured pipelines, and Command helps isolate pipeline actions.

Important Considerations

  • Don’t Over-Engineer: Simple pipelines rarely need many patterns. Start simple and refactor as complexity grows.
  • Combine Patterns: Several of these patterns work well together within a pipeline design.

It’s common for a complex data pipeline to incorporate multiple design patterns working together to address different aspects of its structure and behavior. Let’s imagine a typical scenario to see how this might work:


A data pipeline that needs to:

  • Pull data from various sources (APIs, databases, cloud storage)
  • Apply different cleaning and transformation strategies based on data source
  • Log each step’s details
  • Handle errors gracefully
  • Load the data into a data warehouse

Possible Design Pattern Combination:

  1. Facade: Interface simplifying the interaction with various data sources.
  2. Adapters: Handle the differing interfaces of sources as needed.
  3. Strategy: Encapsulates different cleaning/transformation strategies, selectable at runtime.
  4. Decorator: Dynamically adds logging to processing steps.
  5. Observer: Components notify a central error handler.
  6. Command: Load steps are encapsulated as commands, enabling retries and logging.

How It Fits Together

  • The Facade presents a unified way to extract data, hiding the complexity of diverse sources.
  • Adapters allow integration of sources with incompatible interfaces.
  • The Strategy pattern chooses the right cleaning/transformation approach based on source characteristics.
  • Decorators inject logging without modifying the core processing logic.
  • Observers coordinate error handling.
  • Commands ensure load operations are trackable and repeatable.



Ahmed Sayed

Data Engineer Lead | Azure Data Solutions | Data Architect