Ahmed Sayed
26 min readFeb 4, 2024


Insights from Data Engineer on 97 things every data engineer should know
Insights from Data Engineer on 97 Things Every Data Engineer Should Know

In today’s data-driven world, the ability to seamlessly exchange and process data has become a paramount concern for organizations of all sizes. In this blog series, we embark on a journey through things that any data engineer should know. Join us as we uncover the secrets to building resilient, efficient, and future-ready data architectures, one post at a time.

Stay tuned for a series of insightful posts that will illuminate the path to mastering and unleashing the true potential of your data engineering endeavors.

A (Book) Case for Eventual Consistency

Strong Consistency vs. Eventual Consistency: This presents two contrasting approaches to managing inventory in a distributed environment. Strong consistency ensures that all transactions are processed sequentially, leading to a consistent but potentially less scalable system. Eventual consistency, however, allows for parallel processing but may lead to temporary inconsistencies that are resolved later.

Scalability vs. Availability: Strong consistency systems are often favored for their simplicity and immediate consistency, but they can struggle to scale when dealing with high transaction volumes and distributed architecture. Eventual consistency, while sacrificing immediate consistency, offers better scalability and resilience by reducing dependencies on a single point of failure.


  • To decide between strong consistency and eventual consistency for your system, you should consider your specific use case, scalability requirements, and the potential impact of occasional inconsistencies.
  • Tools such as distributed databases like Apache Cassandra, which support eventual consistency and offer tunable consistency levels, can be valuable in implementing an eventually consistent system while allowing you to control the level of consistency needed for each operation.
  • Monitoring and alerting systems can help you proactively identify and address inconsistencies in an eventual consistency model, ensuring that data remains accurate over time.

In conclusion, the choice between strong consistency and eventual consistency depends on your system’s requirements and trade-offs between consistency, availability, and scalability. Careful consideration of your specific use case and tools designed to handle eventual consistency can help you make an informed decision.

A/B testing

A/B testing is a method to compare two versions of something to find the better-performing one. Data engineering is crucial, involving tracking setup, analysis, and validation. Third-party tools help, but result accuracy is vital.

Key Validation Points:

  1. Check sample sizes and start/stop dates.
  2. Ensure users are correctly assigned to control and experiment groups.
  3. Consider context-specific restrictions.

Before A/B testing, run an A/A test to validate tracking. Expect most experiments to fail and stay skeptical of dramatic improvements. Experimentation is complex, so be patient with yourself and keep learning.

About the Storage Layer

In software, abstractions simplify complex processes. Just as we build on proven mathematical theorems, we use abstraction layers without needing to know their details. While understanding these details can be beneficial, it’s not always necessary.

The storage layer in databases and data-processing frameworks provides a two-dimensional table abstraction on top of linear persistence. For example, in SQL, we define constraints without worrying about data format, leaving optimization to the system.

Efficient query engines avoid loading unnecessary data, reducing I/O and CPU costs. Encoding and compression trade-offs help minimize data storage and retrieval expenses. Pushdowns, like projection, predicate, and partial aggregations, optimize query operations by minimizing data loading and intermediate steps.

Storage characteristics impact pushdown performance. Columnar layouts (e.g., Apache Parquet) enable projection pushdowns. Statistics at different levels (e.g., minimum and maximum values) facilitate predicate pushdowns. Sorting and partitioning data, as seen in Apache Iceberg, improve compression and predicate pushdown efficiency by narrowing data to read precisely.

Analytics as the Secret Glue for Microservice Architectures

The shift towards microservice architectures has brought advantages like reduced dependencies, agility, and scalability but also introduced challenges, mainly due to distribution and increased communication costs. While efforts have focused on addressing these technical challenges, analytics has often been overlooked in its role within microservices.

Microservices’ diverse nature makes data analysis a valuable tool. Data warehouses, central repositories of integrated data from disparate sources, play a crucial role in distributed setups. For example, when releasing a new feature, understanding its impact on various key performance indicators (KPIs) across different teams is essential. Data provides a common ground for decision-making, facilitating cross-team alignment and preventing conflicting directions.

Metrics to consider when starting a new project or planning experiments include:

  1. Company’s high-level metrics: These are challenging to influence individually and often require cumulative efforts.
  2. Team metrics: While driving team-specific metrics is important, it’s vital to consider their role within the broader system.
  3. More granular experiments or project-related metrics: These metrics should be detailed enough to measure direct and isolated impacts.

A company-wide analytical and experimentation culture should be a prerequisite when adopting microservices. An analytical platform serves as the glue connecting different elements of the system and helps orchestrate loosely coupled components toward common goals.

Automate Your Infrastructure

Data engineers play a crucial role in deploying data pipelines using cloud service providers like AWS, GCP, or Azure. While manually setting up components through the web console is quick for simple pipelines, automation becomes essential for complex setups to save time, reduce errors, and enhance security. Here are some guidelines for automating infrastructure:

  1. Avoid Using the Web Console: Refrain from manually configuring components through the web console, especially for repetitive tasks.
  2. Use Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC): Choose an IaC tool such as Terraform or AWS CloudFormation. These tools allow you to define your infrastructure in code, making it reproducible and maintainable.
  3. Modularize Your Code: Break down your infrastructure code into modular components. Use one module for each major component, like API Gateway, Kinesis, IAM roles, etc. Reusability is a key advantage of this approach.
  4. Version Control: Use a version control system (e.g., Git) to manage your infrastructure code. This is crucial for collaboration and tracking changes. Implement code reviews and pull requests to ensure code quality.
  5. Testing: Before applying changes to your infrastructure, test them thoroughly. Tools like Terraform provide previews of changes, helping you avoid breaking your setup.
  6. CI/CD Pipeline: Implement a Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. Automation in CI/CD pipelines streamlines the deployment process, making it more efficient and reliable.
  7. Learn IaC Tools: Dedicate time to learning IaC tools like Terraform or CloudFormation. Invest in writing your infrastructure as code; the effort pays off with increased control and rapid deployment capabilities.

By following these guidelines and adopting an infrastructure-as-code approach, data engineers can efficiently manage complex data pipelines and ensure reproducibility, scalability, and security in their cloud-based environments.

Automate Your Pipeline Tests

To ensure the reliability and robustness of data pipelines, treating data engineering like software engineering is crucial. Follow these guidelines when building and testing data pipelines:

  1. Build End-to-End Tests: Begin with testing the entire pipeline’s infrastructure rather than its functionality. Focus on providing known input, performing a simple transformation, and verifying the output using a standard unit-testing framework like JUnit or pytest.
  2. Use Representative Data: Use a small amount of representative data for testing. It should be small enough to run the tests quickly, ideally from your production system (ensure anonymization for privacy).
  3. Prefer Textual Data Formats: Choose textual data formats whenever possible. They are diff-able, making it easier to identify issues when tests fail. Store input and expected outputs in version control to track changes.
  4. Enable Local Testing: Ensure tests can be run locally to simplify debugging. Utilize in-process versions of systems, such as Apache Spark’s local mode or Apache HBase’s minicluster, for self-contained local environments. Minimize cloud service usage to reduce provisioning time and enhance debuggability.
  5. Ensure Determinism: Make tests deterministic by sorting output records if necessary. Handle randomness in algorithms by setting seeds, and consider single-worker execution for non-deterministic scenarios.
  6. Handle Time Fields: Avoid variable time fields in output data. Provide fixed input, mock-out time, or post-process output to remove time-related fields. If needed, match outputs using similarity measures instead of strict equality.
  7. Facilitate Test Expansion: Parameterize tests by input files to run the same test with multiple inputs. Consider adding an option to record output for new edge cases, allowing manual inspection for correctness and easy addition as expected output.

By following these guidelines, you can create well-factored, reliable, and maintainable data pipelines, enhancing their quality and ensuring they function as expected.

Be Intentional About the Batching Model in Your Data Pipelines

When building data pipelines that process records in batches, it’s essential to be intentional about the batching model you choose. Two common approaches are the Data Time Window (DTW) batching model and the Arrival Time Window (ATW) batching model. Here’s how to decide which one to use:

Data Time Window (DTW) Batching Model:

  • Use DTW when data is pulled from the source (not pushed).
  • It works well when extraction logic can filter out records with a data_timestamp outside the time window.
  • DTW batching is useful for analytics because it guarantees that all records for a given time window are present in that batch.
  • However, DTW may not be very predictable due to out-of-order records, which could lead to delays.

Arrival Time Window (ATW) Batching Model:

  • Choose ATW when records in a batch can arrive out of order, meaning they may have data_timestamps outside the arrival time window.
  • ATW is suitable when dealing with a high volume of records.
  • It offers better predictability, as batches are created based on wall-clock time without waiting for all records in a specific time window.
  • Analysts using ATW may need to query multiple batches to ensure they have all records for a given time window, but it’s acceptable when 100% accuracy is not critical.

Combining ATW and DTW Batching:

  • It’s not always necessary to choose one batching model exclusively.
  • In some cases, you can start with ATW batching for robustness and then perform a “close of books” step with a time delay to create DTW batches.
  • This approach allows analysts to choose between lower latency (using ATW) or complete data analysis (using DTW) based on their specific needs.
  • By incorporating both models in the same pipeline, you can strike a balance between completeness and latency requirements.

Ultimately, the choice between DTW and ATW batching models depends on your specific use case and requirements, and you can even use both in tandem to achieve the desired trade-offs in your data pipeline.

Beware of Silver-Bullet Syndrome

“Beware of Silver-Bullet Syndrome” advises data engineers and analysts to be cautious about becoming overly passionate or fixated on a specific technology or tool. Here are the key takeaways:

  1. Don’t Build Your Identity Around a Tool: Building your professional identity solely around a specific tool is not advisable. Tools and technologies evolve, and what’s popular today may become obsolete tomorrow. It’s essential to remain adaptable.
  2. Avoid Over-Advocating a Tool: While standardization can be beneficial, advocating a tool passionately without considering the problem-solution fit can lead to issues. Focus on the problem at hand and choose the right tool accordingly.
  3. Embrace Variety: Recognize that different problems may require different tools. Avoid expecting a single tool to solve all your problems, and be open to unconventional solutions when necessary.
  4. Be Impartial and Objective: Approach technology choices impartially and objectively. Strive for standardization in your workplace but not at the expense of effectiveness.
  5. Build Your Identity on Skills and Adaptability: Rather than associating your professional identity solely with a technology stack, emphasize your skills, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability. Highlight your capacity to navigate ambiguous situations and provide valuable insights to organizations.

In summary, it’s important to strike a balance between standardization and adaptability, making technology choices based on the specific needs of each problem rather than blindly advocating a single tool. Your professional identity should revolve around your skills, versatility, and problem-solving capabilities, ensuring your relevance in an ever-evolving tech landscape.

Building a Career as a Data Engineer

Building a career as a data engineer involves a diverse set of skills and can be approached from various educational backgrounds and career paths. Here are key insights for aspiring data engineers:

  1. Diverse Backgrounds: Data engineering doesn’t have a rigid educational requirement. Professionals come from various fields, including ICT, software engineering, physics, mathematics, sales, operations, marketing, and more. Having basic experience in scripting and data cleansing is valuable.
  2. Key Skills:
  • Software Development Lifecycle: Experience with the software development lifecycle is essential. Understanding how software is developed, tested, deployed, and maintained is invaluable in data engineering.
  • SQL Proficiency: Proficiency in SQL is crucial, as it is widely used in data operations. Familiarity with at least one static and one dynamic programming language, such as Python and Rust, is also important.
  • Specialization: Depending on your interests and career goals, decide on a specialization within data engineering. For data processing, focus on data storage technologies and SQL skills. For a more software engineering-oriented path, develop analytical skills for big data projects.

3. Open Source Contribution: Engaging with open-source projects related to data engineering is highly beneficial. It not only enhances your skills but also provides practical experience in building and collaborating with the community.

In summary, data engineering offers a versatile career path, and the key is to develop a strong foundation in software development, SQL proficiency, and specialization in your chosen sub role. Open-source contributions can further boost your career and skill set in the field of data engineering.

Business Dashboards for Data Pipelines

Building visual dashboards for your data pipelines can be a powerful way to ensure data accuracy and engage domain experts. Here are the key takeaways:

  1. Engage Domain Experts: When building data pipelines, it’s crucial to engage with domain experts and stakeholders to understand the intricacies of the data. However, there may be questions you didn’t anticipate or changes in requirements over time.
  2. Visual Representation: Create visual dashboards that represent the business data flowing through your pipelines. Focus on aspects that stakeholders find meaningful and relevant to their decision-making process.
  3. Example Dashboard: For instance, you can build a dashboard that shows the number of times a specific piece of equipment malfunctioned in the past and whether it’s currently malfunctioning. This can be derived from the outliers in your data pipeline.
  4. Real-Time Monitoring: Ensure that the dashboard is web-based or integrated into the daily systems used by decision-makers. Real-time dashboards are attractive to users and encourage them to monitor data closely.
  5. Dashboard Tools: Utilize dashboard tools like Data Studio, Tableau, Looker, or others that offer free or cost-effective options. These tools help share insights and ensure a wider audience keeps an eye on data quality.

Incorporating visual dashboards into your data pipeline workflow can help identify issues, gather feedback, and maintain data accuracy over time, ultimately enhancing data reliability and decision-making.

Caution: Data Science Projects Can Turn into the Emperor’s New Clothes

Data science projects often face challenges, especially when a significant portion of the project is dedicated to data collection, preparation, and exploratory analysis. To avoid these challenges and ensure project success, consider the following steps:

  1. Understand the Sell-First Approach: Understand the core need or problem your data science project aims to address. Emphasize fulfilling this basic need in each iteration, ensuring that every step contributes to its fulfillment. Adopt an iterative approach rather than a big-bang deployment.
  2. Provide a User Interface (UI): Develop a user interface or dashboard that acts as a visual representation of the project’s progress. This UI should offer insights into the analytics process, including the specific datasets and models used to generate results. It serves as a window into the project’s inner workings and helps with validation and acceptance among stakeholders.
  3. Ensure Environment Readiness: Prepare the development environment to handle data efficiently. Address memory management issues to avoid blockers. Efficiently handle data downloads from various sources, such as shapefiles, spreadsheets, and text files. Implement memory management strategies for computing and storage devices.
  4. Catalog Scripts: Organize and tag scripts used for data collection, data cleansing, preparation, and archiving. This ensures that scripts are well-documented and can be easily reused.

By following these steps and emphasizing a sell-first approach, you can prevent data science projects from becoming overly resource-intensive without delivering visible outputs. Instead, prioritize fulfilling stakeholders’ needs with each project iteration, maintain transparency through a user interface, and ensure a well-prepared development environment and script cataloging. This approach will help maintain stakeholder trust and prevent the “emperor’s new clothes” scenario.

Change Data Capture

Change Data Capture (CDC) is a solution to replicate data from production databases to a data warehouse or data lake while minimizing the impact on the production database. It relies on capturing changes from the write-ahead log (WAL) or change log that modern production databases maintain during transaction processing. CDC tools read this log and apply changes to the data warehouse. Here are some key considerations for implementing CDC effectively:

  1. Scale: Ensure that your CDC pipeline can handle high data volumes. Delays in reading the WAL can lead to disk space issues in some databases.
  2. Replication Lag: Minimize the replication lag, which is the delay between a transaction’s commit in the primary database and its availability in the data warehouse. Implement checks to monitor and minimize lag before applying transformations.
  3. Schema Changes: Account for changes in database schemas over time, such as adding or removing tables or columns. Propagate these schema changes to the data warehouse, and consider historical syncs when necessary.
  4. Masking: Implement data masking for sensitive columns to maintain compliance with data security and privacy regulations.
  5. Historical Syncs: Before applying CDC changes, perform an initial historical sync of the tables. Historical syncs can take time and potentially overload the source database. Consider syncing from a replica database to speed up the process and reduce the load on the primary database. In cases of partial interruptions in the WAL, use partial historical syncs for faster recovery.

In practice, it’s often best to use existing CDC tools rather than building your own connectors. These tools are designed to address the complexities and considerations involved in effective CDC replication, saving you time and effort.

Column Names as Contracts

Using a controlled vocabulary for naming fields in datasets can significantly improve communication between data producers and consumers, leading to better data quality, discoverability, and understanding. Here’s a breakdown of how to implement this approach:

  1. Define a Controlled Vocabulary: Create a set of standard naming conventions for fields in your datasets. This vocabulary should include data types, usage patterns, and subject categories.
  2. Tiered Stubs: Develop a tiered system of stubs that define the basic characteristics of each field. These stubs should include data type, nullability, and usage patterns. For example:
  3. Subject Categories: Extend the vocabulary to include subject categories such as DRIVER, RIDER, TRIP, ORIG, or DEST. These categories provide context for the measure and help users understand the data’s focus.
  4. Modifiers: Optionally, add additional modifiers or adjectives to further specify the field’s meaning. For example:

By combining these stubs and categories, you create a structured and easily understandable naming convention. Users can quickly grasp the meaning and usage of each field, making it easier to work with the data. Additionally, metadata management and data discoverability tasks can be partially automated using these standardized names.

For instance, tools like Great Expectations can use these contracts to automate data validation checks. By specifying that “everything that starts with DT should be cast as a date” or “nothing in AMT fields should be a decimal,” you can ensure data quality more efficiently.

In summary, column names can serve as contracts between data producers and consumers, improving data communication, quality, and discoverability. While not a one-size-fits-all solution, this approach provides a structured way to start communicating effectively within your data ecosystem.

Consensual, PrivacyAware Data Collection

Consensual data collection and data privacy are crucial considerations in the modern data landscape. Here are some key practices and ideas on how to implement them effectively:

  1. Attach Consent Metadata:
  2. Track Data Provenance:
  3. Drop or Encrypt Sensitive Fields:
  4. Data Minimization:
  5. Regular Audits and Assessments:
  6. Education and Awareness:
  7. Transparency and Communication:

By implementing these practices and embracing consensual data collection, data engineers can contribute to building trust with users and ensuring that data is handled in a privacy-respecting manner. This not only helps with legal compliance but also enhances your organization’s reputation and user satisfaction.

Cultivate Good Working Relationships with Data Consumers

The relationship between data engineers and data consumers, such as data scientists, BI teams, and analytics teams, is indeed complex but crucial for the success of data-driven organizations. Here are some key points to foster a better relationship and collaboration between these teams:

  1. Avoid Consumer-Solving Engineering Problems:
  2. Adapt Your Expectations:
  3. Understand Consumers’ Jobs:
  4. Effective Communication:
  5. Mutual Respect and Amiability:
  6. Documentation and Knowledge Sharing:
  7. Iterative Improvement:
  8. Data Governance and Compliance:

By following these principles and fostering a culture of collaboration, data engineers and data consumers can work together effectively to drive data-driven insights and innovations within the organization.

Data Engineering != Spark

The misconception that Apache Spark is the sole solution for building a data pipeline is indeed common. In reality, constructing a robust data pipeline often involves a combination of technologies from three general types: computation, storage, and messaging. Here’s an overview of these three components in the context of building data pipelines:

  1. Computation Component:
  2. Storage Component:
  3. Messaging Component:

In summary, a comprehensive data pipeline involves not only computation using technologies like Apache Spark but also effective storage and messaging components. The choice of technologies within each component depends on the specific requirements, use cases, and performance considerations of the data pipeline. Data engineers must design and architect pipelines that balance these three key components to meet the organization’s data processing need effectively.

Data Engineering for Autonomy and Rapid Innovation

The efficient management of data pipelines in organizations often requires collaboration between data engineers and other teams, but this collaboration can be challenging due to the specialization of data engineering. To facilitate smoother collaboration and eliminate the need for extensive handoffs, consider the following strategies:

  1. Implement Reusable Patterns in the ETL Framework:
  2. Choose a Framework and Tool Set Accessible Within the Organization:
  3. Move Data-Flow Logic to the Edges of the Pipelines:
  4. Create and Support Staging Tables:
  5. Bake Data-Flow Logic into Tooling and Infrastructure:

These strategies aim to promote collaboration and reduce dependencies on specialized data engineers. They empower other teams to work more autonomously with data pipelines, making the overall process more efficient and adaptable. Collaboration and communication between teams are key to successfully implementing these approaches.

Data Engineering from a Data Scientist’s Perspective

The rise of data engineering as a widespread role can be attributed to several factors, and this chapter presents a contrarian view of the historical context and reasons behind this development.

  1. Traditional Roles: Historically, there were specific roles for managing data in enterprises. These roles included managing raw data collection, performing ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) operations, and overseeing relational databases. The work in these roles was largely standardized, as relational technology matured, making complex tasks relatively easy.
  2. Changing Data Landscape: In recent years, the data landscape has evolved significantly. New types of data have emerged that are not well-suited to traditional ETL tools or relational databases. This shift has created a need for new tools and approaches to handle diverse data sources, including unstructured and semi-structured data.
  3. Complex Data Integration: With the introduction of these new data types, data engineers have had to step in to address the challenges of integrating and processing data from multiple sources. Unlike the mature technologies of the past, many of these newer tools and repositories are not yet fully developed, requiring data engineers to write complex code and create custom solutions.
  4. Cloud and Hybrid Environments: The complexity of data engineering has been further compounded by the adoption of cloud computing and hybrid architectures. Integrating data from internal systems with external cloud environments presents additional challenges that require creative problem-solving skills.
  5. Differences from Traditional Roles: Data engineers differ from traditional data professionals in several ways. They need to be proficient in creative problem-solving, adapt to a wide array of tools and technologies, and focus on optimizing data integration across various platforms rather than within a single tool or platform.
  6. Standardization and Automation: Over time, much of the work that currently requires data engineers’ intensive efforts is expected to become standardized and automated. This parallels the trend in data science, where automated tools and platforms have allowed data scientists to focus on more complex and challenging problems.
  7. Citizen Data Engineers: Similar to the emergence of “citizen data scientists,” we can expect the rise of “citizen data engineers” who leverage standardized data engineering tools to handle routine tasks. This will free up data engineers to tackle new frontiers and address more advanced challenges.

In summary, the need for data engineers has arisen due to the changing data landscape, the complexity of integrating diverse data sources, and the shift towards cloud and hybrid environments. As data engineering tools continue to evolve and standardize, data engineers may increasingly focus on innovation and addressing advanced data engineering challenges.

Data Pipeline Design Patterns for Reusability and Extensibility

Designing extensible, modular, and reusable data pipelines is a critical aspect of data engineering. The chapter outlines a structured approach to achieving this through the use of design patterns and principles. Here’s a breakdown of the key points and concepts:

  1. Layers of a Data Pipeline: Data pipelines consist of multiple layers, including Ingestion, Processing, and Result layers. Each layer performs specific functions, and the content of these functions can vary based on the layer’s requirements.
  2. Logging and Monitoring: Logging and monitoring are essential components of data pipelines. Different layers may use different loggers and monitors based on their specific needs and technologies. For example, the Ingestion layer may use S3 for file logs, while the Result layer may rely on DataDog for event logs.
  3. Challenges in Coupling: The traditional approach involves coupling loggers and monitors directly with DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) code. This approach is problematic as it leads to code brittleness, lack of reusability, and violations of key design principles like SRP (Single Responsibility Principle), DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself), and open/closed principles.
  4. Design Patterns: To address these challenges, the chapter introduces design patterns, both creational/structural and behavioral, to separate concerns and achieve better code organization.
  5. Benefits of Design Principles: Implementing these design patterns and principles results in several benefits. The separation of responsibilities allows for modularization at multiple levels, including DAG, cross-cutting concerns (logging and monitoring), and cross-DAG (common templates). This modularity enables the development of more generic modules, templates, and configurations, reducing the need for custom code and increasing scalability.
  6. Complexity vs. Scalability: While implementing these design principles may increase abstraction and complexity, the trade-off is worth it for the scalability, maintainability, and quality it brings to data pipeline development.

In summary, by applying design patterns and principles, data engineers can create more flexible, reusable, and maintainable data pipelines. This approach allows for greater scalability and velocity in pipeline development while ensuring high-quality results.

Data Quality for Data Engineers

Ensuring the quality of data pipelines is crucial for data engineering and data-related tasks. Testing and monitoring data pipelines help identify issues and ensure that data is reliable and of high quality. Here are some common practices for ensuring data pipeline quality:

  1. Data Validation: Perform data validation checks to ensure that incoming data meets the expected schema and quality standards. This includes checking for data types, null values, and data range constraints.
  2. Schema Validation: Validate that the schema of incoming data matches the expected schema. Any changes in the data schema should be tracked and managed accordingly.
  3. Quality Assurance Tests: Implement quality assurance tests to verify the correctness of data transformations and processing steps within the pipeline. This may involve testing specific business logic or data aggregations.
  4. Data Profiling: Use data profiling tools to analyze data statistics, patterns, and anomalies. Data profiling helps identify data quality issues, such as outliers, missing values, or skewed distributions.
  5. Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD): Apply CI/CD practices to automate testing and deployment of data pipelines. Automated testing can include unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests to catch issues early in the development cycle.
  6. Monitoring and Alerting: Set up monitoring and alerting systems to track pipeline performance and detect anomalies or failures in real time. Monitoring can include metrics on data volume, processing time, error rates, and more.
  7. Data Lineage and Metadata: Maintain data lineage information to track the origin and transformations applied to data throughout the pipeline. Metadata management helps ensure data traceability and provides transparency into data quality.
  8. Data Quality Frameworks: Implement data quality frameworks and tools, such as Apache Nifi, Great Expectations, or custom solutions, to define and enforce data quality rules and expectations.
  9. Sampling and Statistical Analysis: Periodically sample data from the pipeline and perform statistical analysis to assess data quality, identify trends, and detect deviations from expected patterns.
  10. Regression Testing: Whenever changes are made to the pipeline or its components, perform regression testing to ensure that existing functionality remains intact while new features are added.
  11. Data Anomaly Detection: Utilize anomaly detection techniques and machine learning models to automatically identify unusual data patterns or anomalies that may indicate data quality issues.
  12. Documentation: Maintain documentation that describes data pipeline processes, validation rules, and quality standards. Documentation helps ensure consistency and provides a reference for troubleshooting.
  13. Collaboration with Data Consumers: Collaborate with data consumers, such as data scientists and analysts, to understand their data quality requirements and incorporate their feedback into data pipeline improvements.
  14. Data Governance: Implement data governance practices to establish data quality standards, ownership, and accountability across the organization.

By implementing these practices, data engineers can proactively address data quality challenges, minimize errors, and ensure that data pipelines deliver reliable and high-quality data for downstream analysis and decision-making.

Data Security for Data Engineers

Securing data and data engineering workflows is crucial to protect valuable company assets and sensitive information. Here are some practical tips to enhance data security for data engineers:

  1. Continuous Learning: Stay informed about security best practices and emerging threats by attending security conferences, and workshops, and reading security-related publications. Regularly update your knowledge to adapt to evolving security challenges.
  2. Access Control: Implement strict access controls to ensure that only authorized users or systems have access to sensitive data and resources. Use role-based access control (RBAC) to define and manage permissions effectively.
  3. Monitoring and Logging: Set up comprehensive monitoring and logging mechanisms to track and analyze access, changes, and anomalies in your data infrastructure. Use security information and event management (SIEM) systems to detect suspicious activities.
  4. Encryption: Encrypt sensitive data both at rest and in transit. Use encryption protocols like TLS/SSL for data in transit and encryption tools or services provided by cloud providers for data at rest. Implement encryption at the field or column level for additional security.
  5. Security Testing: Integrate security testing into your continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. Perform security tests, including vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, and code analysis, to identify and remediate security issues early in the development process.
  6. Network Security: Secure your network infrastructure with firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS), and network segmentation. Regularly audit and update firewall rules to minimize attack vectors.
  7. Patch Management: Stay up to date with security patches and updates for all software components, libraries, and frameworks used in your data pipelines. Vulnerabilities in outdated software can be exploited by attackers.
  8. Data Classification: Classify data based on sensitivity and regulatory requirements. Apply appropriate security controls, such as access restrictions and encryption, based on data classification. Implement data loss prevention (DLP) measures to prevent data leaks.
  9. Incident Response Plan: Develop an incident response plan that outlines procedures to follow in the event of a security breach or incident. Define roles and responsibilities for incident response team members and establish communication protocols.
  10. Security Audits: Conduct regular security audits and assessments of your data infrastructure. Engage with external security experts or third-party auditors to evaluate the effectiveness of your security measures.
  11. Collaborate with Security Teams: Collaborate with your organization’s security, IT, and DevOps teams to align security practices and leverage their expertise in security assessments, threat analysis, and risk management.
  12. Regular Security Reviews: Schedule periodic security reviews and assessments of your data engineering workflows and infrastructure. Identify areas of improvement and prioritize security enhancements.
  13. Security Awareness: Promote security awareness and best practices among team members. Encourage a security-conscious culture within your data engineering team.
  14. Documentation: Maintain comprehensive documentation of security policies, procedures, and configurations. Ensure that team members have access to up-to-date security documentation.
  15. Security Sprint: Consider incorporating a dedicated security sprint into your development cycle to focus specifically on security-related tasks and improvements.

By proactively addressing data security concerns and following these best practices, data engineers can contribute to a more secure data environment, protect sensitive data, and reduce the risk of security incidents. Security should be an integral part of data engineering processes and workflows.

Data Validation Is More Than Summary Statistics

Context is indeed a crucial factor when assessing data quality, and it highlights the need for context-enriched data-quality checks. Data quality cannot be determined in isolation; it must be evaluated based on the specific requirements, expectations, and intended use of the data. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Data Context: Understanding the context of the data is essential. Data engineers should work closely with data stakeholders, domain experts, and business users to gather insights into the meaning and significance of the data. This context helps in defining meaningful data quality checks.
  2. Business Rules: Business rules play a significant role in data quality. These rules are often domain-specific and reflect the business processes and requirements. Data engineers should collaborate with business teams to translate these rules into data-quality checks.
  3. Holistic Validation: Data-quality checks should go beyond basic summary statistics and univariate checks. They should consider the relationships and interactions between different data fields. For example, ensuring that certain relationships or constraints hold true within the data can be more informative than individual checks.
  4. Manual vs. Automated Checks: While automated data-quality checks are efficient and scalable, there are cases where manual checks, driven by domain knowledge, are necessary. It’s essential to strike a balance between automated and manual checks, focusing manual efforts on critical subsets of data or complex validation scenarios.
  5. Prioritization: Given limited resources, it’s crucial to prioritize data quality checks based on their impact on downstream processes and potential risks. Critical data pipelines or transformations should receive more rigorous validation.
  6. Data Governance: Implementing a robust data governance framework can help standardize data quality checks, promote collaboration between data engineers and business teams, and ensure consistent validation practices across the organization.
  7. Documentation: Documenting data-quality checks, including their rationale, business rules, and expected outcomes, is essential for transparency and knowledge sharing within the team and across the organization.
  8. Iterative Improvement: Data quality is an ongoing process. Regularly review and update data quality checks to adapt to changing business requirements and data sources. Continuously gather feedback from data users to refine validation criteria.

In summary, data engineers should view data quality as a collaborative effort that involves domain expertise, business context, and a combination of automated and context-enriched checks. By understanding the nuances of data quality within the specific context of their organization, data engineers can contribute to the delivery of high-quality, reliable data for analytics and decision-making.

Data Warehouses Are the Past, Present, and Future

The demise of the data warehouse has indeed been predicted many times, but it continues to be a fundamental component of modern data infrastructure. Several factors have contributed to its resilience and ongoing relevance in the world of data engineering:

  1. Cloud Data Warehouses: The advent of cloud-based data warehouses, like Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, and Snowflake, has transformed the data warehousing landscape. These cloud-native platforms offer scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency that traditional on-premises data warehouses struggled to match. Organizations can provision and scale resources as needed, eliminating the need for large upfront investments in hardware.
  2. Columnar Databases: Columnar data warehousing technologies have significantly improved query performance for analytical workloads. These databases store data column-wise, allowing for efficient compression and selective retrieval of columns, which is well-suited for analytical queries. This architecture has made it feasible to handle massive volumes of data for reporting and analytics.
  3. ELT Architecture: Shifting from ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) to ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) has simplified data integration and transformation processes. ELT leverages the processing power and capabilities of modern data warehouses to perform transformations closer to the data storage layer. This approach streamlines data pipelines and enables data engineers to focus on data ingestion and loading, while analysts can utilize SQL for transformations and analysis.
  4. Data Lakes and Data Warehouses Coexistence: Data lakes, with their schema-on-read approach, have found their place in data architectures, particularly for storing unstructured or semi-structured data. Data teams often use data lakes in conjunction with data warehouses to create a comprehensive data ecosystem. Data engineers can choose the appropriate storage based on the characteristics of the data.
  5. Innovation and Competition: The data warehousing market remains highly competitive, with new entrants constantly innovating and improving their offerings. Snowflake, in particular, has disrupted the industry with its cloud-based architecture and separation of computing and storage. This innovation keeps data warehouses relevant and adaptable to evolving data needs.
  6. Data Governance and Security: Data warehouses provide robust data governance and security features, making them suitable for handling sensitive and regulated data. Compliance requirements and data privacy concerns emphasize the importance of data warehouses in maintaining data quality and security.
  7. User-Friendly Interfaces: Modern data warehouses often come with user-friendly interfaces and tools that enable data analysts and business users to work directly with data using SQL queries. This accessibility fosters collaboration between data engineers and data consumers.

In summary, while data lakes and other data storage technologies have their roles in modern data ecosystems, data warehouses continue to thrive due to their evolution, scalability, performance, and adaptability to changing data requirements. Organizations investing in data warehousing technologies are likely to find that they remain essential for their data analytics and business intelligence needs.

Defining and Managing Messages in Log-Centric Architectures

Messaging systems have indeed become a crucial element in modern data architectures, facilitating data exchange, decoupling producers and consumers, and enabling event-driven and real-time processing. The concept of canonical data models and message schemas plays a vital role in ensuring the reliability and flexibility of these systems.

Here are some key takeaways and best practices related to messaging systems and canonical data models:

  1. Message Definitions and Schema: Instead of focusing solely on the API between producers and consumers emphasize well-defined message definitions and schemas. This ensures that the content of messages is consistent and understood by all participants in the system. Schema enforcement can help prevent common issues like typing errors.
  2. Canonical Data Model: Adopt a canonical data model, which serves as a standardized representation of data in the messaging system. This model provides a common understanding of data structures and simplifies data mapping among different services. It allows for better decoupling between services’ internal data models and facilitates data integration.
  3. Backward Compatibility: Strive for backward compatibility when making changes to message schemas. Avoid breaking changes whenever possible. If changes are necessary, consider versioning your messages to support both old and new schemas concurrently. This ensures that existing consumers are not disrupted.
  4. Versioning Best Practices: Implement a versioning strategy that allows for the coexistence of multiple message schema versions. Create new deployments of services with new message schemas and topics when introducing breaking changes. This approach enables services to evolve independently without affecting the entire system.
  5. Deprecation Policy: Define a version-deprecation policy to manage the lifecycle of message schema versions. Set clear guidelines for when old versions can be phased out. Ensure that deprecated versions are eventually removed from the system to avoid complexity.
  6. Topic Naming Conventions: When working with messaging systems, encode version identifiers directly into topic names. This practice makes it easier to manage and distinguish different versions of messages. It simplifies the process of routing messages to the appropriate consumers.
  7. Semantic Data Model: Develop a semantic data model as the foundation for message definitions. Ensure that this model accurately represents the domain-specific concepts and entities relevant to your system. It provides clarity and consistency in message design.

By following these principles and practices, organizations can build robust and maintainable log-centric architectures. Messaging systems, backed by canonical data models and thoughtful versioning strategies, can adapt to evolving requirements and changes without causing disruptions to the broader ecosystem.

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Ahmed Sayed

Data Engineer Lead | Azure Data Solutions | Data Architect